Tuesday 23 May 2017

question 2

Question 7

I have learnt that I can use photshop in a really creative way, I can also use indesign really well, at the beginning of the year I had no idea what i was doing when i used photoshop for the first time but I learnt, I also learnt how to edit green screen photos and how to make a magazine front cover double page spread and contents page. 



Friday 19 May 2017

Double page spread

This is my final double page spread for my alternative rock music magazine. It features images of a local band called Damsels it also features an interview written by me and answered by the frontman Greg Sinnott. All pictures have been taken by my me at their gigs. The top right and bottom left were at studio 2 but on separate occasions and bottom right was at the Zanzibar club. Both venues in Liverpool. This page came about by me talking to my brother about how I have to make a music magazine for media and he said why don't you do it on Greg's band (Greg is his mate)

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Mood Board

This is my mood board for my music magazines genre it features big names in the world of alternative rock music featuring red hot chili peppers, Liam Gallagher of Oasis, Ian Brown, Dave Grohl, Alex Turner and Kurt Cobain also two images of the crowds from a Stone Roses concert at the Etihad and Oasis concert at Wembley. I have chose these images because they represent my media product and the genre I have chosen

Friday 3 February 2017

Media city

These are the few images I took whilst on our trip to the BBC studios on the 31st of January this was one of the most enjoyable school trips I have been on during my time in cardinal heenan it was really interesting and gave me a good insight of everything that happens in a TV studio the top image is of the BBC radio 6 studio where Arctic Monkeys have once played I think this studio was very unique and the station itself because we also learnt that they support young upcoming bands and if you were in a band and to send music to them they will play your songs they said they're a radio station who are all about the music. The second image is George sitting in an interview seat next to a microphone this room was a really interesting part of the trip getting to see what happens behind the scenes in a radio studio. The third image is radio 6s studio set up the computers etc. not a very good image, I know but just a small one.

 The way radio stations worked was really intriguing in my opinion the way they find all the songs that they play and they told us that they have a lot of songs to choose from, the tour guide told us they have access to over 2.2 million songs, anything you can think of they have it they also explained how they can have interviews in the studio and they can have them 'down the line' and that they can make it sound like its in the studio. It was very eye opening to what happens inside all these studios. The 4th image is the instantly recognisable BBC breakfast studio the red couch makes this instantly recognisable of course because it is watched by millions up and down the country. This is also very deceiving in my opinion because on the television this studio looks huge when in reality or in person it is actually really small also this studio wasn't the original planned studio it was actually downstairs below the studio where the original planned studio was but they decided not to use it because they thought it would be a bad idea to have an open window with people always walking past. Also the studio used the window is actually fake and the people said the image used is probably from 8 years ago and the buildings and skyline has probably changed drastically. It was also very interesting about how much the cameras were each one used for the television broadcast are 150,00 pounds each 80,000 just for the lenses of the camera this gives us a clear insight of how far they go to make the broadcast as good as possible. My favourite part of the visit to the BBC studios was getting to sit on that red couch and me and George were able to read the news and understand how much pressure was put onto them news anchors they simply cant make a mistake because the whole nation is watching them and relying on them. I think that the weather reporter would be the hardest part of the being on the news because they cant turn around and look at the big screen they have to watch themselves on a tiny little screen.

Friday 13 January 2017

Risk Assesments

I didn't have many risks during my photo-shoots the few I could think of would be don't trip on any wires in the green screen room and then when we were outside to make sure the weather is ok.

Production Schedule

The first photo-shoot was done on the 3rd November
The second photo-shoot was done on the 18th November
The third photo-shoot was done on the 3rd December


The Venues I used for this photo-shoot:
The green screen room in Cardinal Heenan main school.
Leyfield building.
Leyfield garage.

Model list

Model list:
Jack Richards
Lucas Timmins
Adam Mossman

Costume list

The costumes worn by each model:

Lucas: trench coat jeans boots.

Adam: Adidas jacket Guns 'n' Roses t shirt jeans trainers.

Jack: white t shirt with Indian skull Jeans trainers.

Contents page

This is my final contents page which I think meets the codes and conventions for a contents page it is straight to the point and will guide people on where to look for certain things I have numbered where I have written to show where these parts of the magazine are located. I have an image on the right of the screen of damsels at their gig at studio 2. The image on the bottom left is an image I have screen shot from a video I took at the Red Hot Chilli Peppers concert in Manchester on the 14th of December 2016 the song they are preforming on this image is sick love. I added the text I have added on this page based on current events in music for example all the Glastonbury rumours of who will headline. Then about how Arctic Monkeys are back in the Studio etc.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Front cover

This is my final front cover for my Rock music magazine. The front model is Jack Richards left Adam Mossman right Lucas Timmins Harris I was inspired to make the cover look the way it does by a magazine featuring Ian brown from the stone roses which I have posted on a previous blog the magazine is by NME originals from 1994 at the bottom of that cover it says rave on! So with my genre being Rock I decided to put 'Rock on!' at the bottom of the page as you can see. I have also put at the top right of the page  'Damsels exclusive interview with Greg Sinnott' this is advertising what's inside my magazine so the people reading know that there is an exclusive interview with an young up and coming band. Then when people will also see that there is a review of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers Manchester gig in the MEN arena. I chose the title to be 'iconic' because when I was thinking of names I thought there are so many icons in rock music and I thought I could use the I as a symbolic feature I also just simply thought it would sound good. I also just thought to add the name oasis on the left hand side because on the magazine I based mine off it had bands names just scattered around. I also added a famous Alex Turner quote because it seemed appropriate for the magazine. This picture was took using a green screen with 3 models the props I used were microphones and mic stands and a chair.